Monday 11 February 2013

Naturopathy for Natural Health

Our body has a mechanism and system of self healing.  In Naturopathy, this system is treated in order to restore the natural ability of the body to heal itself. It involves many natural treatments that are used to promote this process. Some of the methods which are used in this regard are message therapy, use of herbs to detoxify the body. Besides this, acupuncture and fasting are also employed for the effectiveness of the treatment. These treatments not only allow the body to restore good health but also provide an effective prevention against the illness in future. The advantage of having naturopathic treatment is that this field not only makes use of the ancient remedies but also the latest and current developments in the medical science.

There are some of the basic rules followed by naturopaths to restore natural health in their patients.

1. The body's ability to heal itself and maintain good health

In this step the patient is educated about the function of the body and how it heals itself if proper external and internal environment is provided to it.

2. Treatment should not do further harm to the body

The Naturopath must know the patients individual healing process and customize the treatment subjected to the body type and requirements of the body of a specific patient

3. Find the cause of patient’s bad health

The most important step for a naturopath is to diagnose the patient and find the underlying causes which are responsible of a patient’s bad health.

4. Treat every aspect of the patient's life

The job of a naturopath is not only to treat Physical illnesses of a patient. Mental, emotional, social, environmental and spiritual aspects of a person should also be addresses in order to undergo an effective treatment.

5. Patients can learn to maintain their health

The Naturopath will teach the patient how to take responsibility for their own health.

6. Naturopaths teach prevention

In Naturopathic Doctor Treatment, naturopath takes all of these aspects into consideration and then observes the lifestyle of patient in order to rectify any bad habits that are damaging the health. It helps the patient to improve his life style and prevent any medical issues arising.

The Dempster Clinic, Center for Integrated Medicine provides Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. We never prescribe standard treatments and remedies. We use Nutriceutical Supplementation, Clinical Nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture, IV VitaminTherapy, Homeopathy, Firstline Therapy (FLT), and more. We invite you to call today to book a free 15-minute consultation (by phone or in-person) with our expert Naturopath in Toronto

Visit our website for details